Forced suicide is the expression used to name the suicides of women who are driven to it because of psychological violence experienced within their couple. France is the only European country so far to have enshrined forced suicide in its Law as an aggravating circumstance for mobbing within a couple.
This training in 4 modules will allow you to get a better understanding of this notion. A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of this training. Start watching this MOOC on an emerging and essential subject for the prevention of violence against women.
You can follow this training whenever you want, in the order you want.
It is available 24/7. It is also accessible on smartphone.
General concept
Main characteristics
Psychological violence
Hold and coercive control
Emblematic case
Modus operandi
A possible calculation
First trials
An international issue
Status of the issue elsewhere
Avenues of prevention
Which staff should be trained first?
Improvement of the estimation
Dissemination of the concept to the general public